martes, 29 de abril de 2008

Weiss Knowledge

Here I go again... A brief description of what knowledge it is, also in Spanish ;)


Weiss Free Knowledge Days

For my first entry i show to all of u a little description of both presentations of "" and "freesound" conferences on the "Free Knowledge Days" at the UEM... enjoy.


martes, 22 de abril de 2008

The Knowledge

Well...I'm the second in upload the work about knowledge. If you want read it, you must follow this link Follow Me

Coming soon Aristotle´s Metaphysics.

viernes, 11 de abril de 2008

Metaphysics Aristotle. Summary of the first book

Brief summary of the first book of Aristotle´s Metaphysics, where he narrates the predisposition of human to acquire knowledge.

You can see in this url: Aristotle.pdf

The knowledge

My first entry in this blog.............

This is my work about the knowledge. It´s a general idea about it.

It contains what is, kinds and types of representation of the knowledge.

You can see in the next url: Knowledge.pdf